Eye surgeon leads landmark UK research

An Addenbrooke’s surgeon is leading a national survey to help shape the future of eye research for the next decade.

Professor Rupert Bourne

Glaucoma service lead and director of Cambridge Eye Research Centre, Professor Rupert Bourne, is urging eye healthcare professionals, researchers, patients, carers and others to take part.

The survey is called the James Lind Alliance Sight Loss and Vision Research Priorities, first published in 2013 but now in need of a refresh. The name relates to a pioneer of clinical trials in the 1700s.

Professor Bourne, who is chair of the UK Clinical Eye Research Strategy, says despite on-going eye research across the world, there are still many unanswered questions about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sight loss and eye conditions.

The survey – which covers everything from cataracts and cornea disease to glaucoma and child eye disorders - was developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

It is supported by the Macular Society, Fight for Sight and the Moorfields Eye Charity and feedback will help inform the top 10 priorities across different eye subspecialties.

Professor Bourne said research funding is limited, so it is important to understand what is of greatest importance. He added: “It’s almost 10 years since the UK last published its eye research priorities and progress has been made in learning more about each of those 12 key areas set at the time.

“This survey is designed to help us assess whether these are still the right priorities, and to delve deeper, or whether there are new areas of eye research that we now need to prioritise.

“We are encouraging all those with an interest in eye health to take part in the survey to help shape the direction of future eye research.” 

To take part in the survey visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LHL5S9R

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