Japanese Encephalitis outbreak is reported

An outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis (JE) infection has been reported from the Sivasagar district of Assam State in the far northeast of India. Health officials report 22 deaths from JE with a further 28 suspected cases currently receiving treatment in hospital.

Japanese Encephalitis is found in Asia, and transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. The virus is closely related to West Nile virus; dengue and yellow fever are other examples of diseases caused by flaviviruses. It is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito that normally breeds in rice paddies, generally between dusk and dawn. Most short stay travelers, and those only visiting cities and urban areas will be at low risk.

The disease is not so commonly reported from Punjab State (towards the Pakistan border) than from eastern and southern parts of the country. Most cases reported May to October, especially in northern India. The season may be longer or year-round in some areas, particularly the south.

The incubation period is 6-16 days, and presenting symptoms include fever, headache, altered mental state, and convulsions. Some patients will make a full, but slow, recovery from this acute stage. However, 25% to 30% will be left with residual neurological deficits, including paralysis, ataxia, and speech difficulties. Approximately one third of patients with clinically manifested JE die. 

The Japanese Encephalitis vaccine is available at The Travel Clinic Ltd.  Please contact us on 01223 367362.


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