Time to take cyber security seriously, says Zeichner

On 6 September 2024 at 12.00 noon, Daniel Zeichner, the MP for Cambridge, will call for Cambridge residents to get savvy on cyber security as he visits Cambridge Online, a charity focused on bridging the digital divide.

cyber security lock

Mr Zeichner’s visit will mark the charity’s launch next month of a new Cyber Security and Online Safety course. Following Charity Cyber Security Month in October, the course will teach participants essential online safety skills, such as recognizing phishing scams and safeguarding personal information. Recent research shows that 11% of adults across the UK, or 5.8 million people, admitted they had fallen for an Internet scam and had money stolen.

The charity will welcome Mr Zeichner to their new facility at Allia Future Business Centre to highlight their ongoing work to support digitally excluded individuals. During the visit, Mr Zeichner will tour the upgraded facility, designed to enhance digital skills training for the community.

Daniel Zeichner said: “It’s really important we get wise to how online scams operate so we can safeguard ourselves against them. This course is an excellent initiative that will help protect our local community members from online threats while empowering them with the digital skills they need. I’m delighted to support Cambridge Online and their mission to bridge the digital divide.”

The charity also continues its Digital Exclusion: An Invisible Crisis campaign, which seeks to raise awareness and funds to help digitally excluded people. The local community is encouraged to get involved by volunteering, donating, or contributing to the campaign.

For more information or to support Cambridge Online, visit their website at www.cambridgeonline.org.uk or contact them at 01223 800450.


Image: your_photo, Getty Images, Canva 

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