Cleantech and Environment
Use road improvement billions to build greener highways
Technologies recommended by Cambridge-based Innovia Technology have been piloted on The Ray green highway in Georgia, USA. ...
Could insect protein feed the world? asks Innovia
Innovia says that textured chunks of insect protein would provide a sustainable alternative to animal meat. “The Harper Adams University's 'Edible Bug Challenge' isn’t so far-fetched,” says Greg Dickens, a vet and consultant at Innovia Technology. “Insect flour is already available and...
Innovia helps create the world's first sustainable highway
Is it possible to have a ‘green highway’? The Mission Zero Corridor Project in West Georgia, USA, believes that it is. It has appointed breakthrough innovation consultancy Innovia Technology to help create a ‘travel corridor’ and rethink the purpose and function of this infrastructure t...